28 August 2014

Visões e ilusões políticas

I am pleased to report that the Portuguese edition of my first book, Political Visions and Illusions, has just been released by Brazilian publisher Vida Nova: Visões e ilusões políticas (although the website lists it as not yet available). I look forward to receiving a copy in the near future. Incidentally, the translator is my good friend and colleague Lucas Grassi Freire. Obrigado, Lucas, e obrigado, Vida Nova!


  1. Anonymous09:02

    Wow, congratulations!

  2. Hello David,

    I bought the Portuguese version of your book last Saturday. I was attending to a conference in Sao Paulo regarding the participation of Christians and churches in the Brazilian political scenario when one of the speakers (Jonas Madureira, PhD candidate at University of Sao Paulo and Baptist Pastor) recommended your book as a “must read”.

    I intend start reading it after finishing Dooyeweerd's “The Twilight of Western Thought” (my current reading).

    Well, this commentary is to let you know that your book not only was released in Portuguese, but is actually being recommended on conferences (+500 participants) and read by Professors, Pastors and even by lay people, like myself, here in Brazil.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel Souza (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

  3. Muito obrigado, Daniel. Deus te abençoe!
