30 December 2024

Year-end appeal

We are now in the final stretch with respect to 2024. If you have not yet made all your charitable contributions for the year, please consider giving to support my academic ministry with Global Scholars Canada.

A reminder that those of you who contribute an extra $100 before the end of the year will receive a copy of my new book, Citizenship Without Illusions, from the publisher. 

GSC's page for giving can be found here. Once you are in the page, scroll down to the heading marked DONATION DETAILS, and then choose one of the options under FUND. Americans may donate through our sister organization in the US.

Or, if you prefer, Canadian donors can donate publicly traded securities (shares or mutual funds) directly to charities without having to pay the capital gains tax. This is a cost-effective and painless way to make a donation that comes with a substantial tax incentive. By donating securities, donors pay no tax on capital gains, receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities, as well as reduce their taxes. Watch this video for more information about this option: Link Charity Canada: Donation of Securities. If interested, please visit the Link Charity Canada Inc. website, and call for details at 1-800-387-8146. Link Charity Canada is a partner organization of Global Scholars Canada, so Link Charity can easily direct funds for my work.

Thank you once again! Happy reading!


David Koyzis, Global Scholar


27 December 2024

Citizenship Without Illusions: review 2

As I indicated recently, three reviews of my new book have already appeared online. Here is the second: Citizenship Without Illusions [a review], by Ben Makuh. Here are a couple of excerpts:

I'm not going to bury the lede: this is a phenomenal little book about Christian political engagement. . . .

Koyzis writes from a Reformed perspective, but without the grating tone of self-assured cockiness that can often take. Instead, it strikes me as the best of what the Reformed perspective can be: rooted in Scripture with an eye toward engagement in the world while recognizing that there are other traditions that think about things in different ways. Koyzis demonstrates an admirable posture of speaking his own convictions but with charity and a willingness to understand those who disagree with him.

It is the rare review that elicits from the author both appreciation and amusement. This one does the job rather well.

23 December 2024

Citizenship Without Illusions: review 1

Although Citizenship Without Illusions has been out for only just over a month, three reviews have already appeared. The first of these, by Trey Dimsdale, actually appeared in July in the journal Providence: Taking the Long View of Politics in “Citizenship Without Illusions”. Here is Dimsdale:

Citizenship Without Illusions is easily one of the best books on this subject due out in 2024. Koyzis’s systematic, historically and philosophically grounded approach to exploring the duties of citizenship rather than more transitory and immediate aspects of our current political climate sets it apart from many other works engaging similar themes. Unfortunately, it is due out so late in the year that almost every Christian going to the polls around the world this year will do so without the wisdom of this book. Hopefully Koyzis’s measured, thoughtful, and thoroughly Christian approach will be the catalyst for serious reflection about the vocation of Christian citizenship.

Dimsdale also provided an endorsement for the inside of the book itself. I will link to the other reviews after Christmas.

18 December 2024

Reintegrate interview: Dual citizens

I've known Bob Robinson for several years now, and I've lost count of the number of times he's interviewed me in that time. Last month I was privileged to talk with him again on the subject of my new book, Citizenship Without Illusions, which was released that same day. The interview has now been posted online: Dual citizens: In the kingdom of God AND in our nation, with David Koyzis. The interview lasts for about an hour. Robinson is a great supporter of my work with Global Scholars Canada.

17 December 2024

Recent activities for December 2024

I have now posted my Global Scholars newsletter for December. Recent activities include the publication (at last!) of Citizenship Without Illusions, a conversation with a group of politically-minded young people in the United Kingdom, several interviews, and good news related to my ongoing work with the Genevan Psalter.

02 December 2024

RAPT interview

In recent years I've been interviewed on subjects related to my books and other writings, but I recently submitted to a different kind of interview that required me to bare my soul in a more personal way. RAPT conducts interviews with a variety of people and poses to every one of them the same questions. My RAPT interview can be found here. An excerpt:

I really believe Christians need to think more deeply about their status as citizens of their respective political communities. We too easily fall for ideologically charged rhetoric or, as some express it, simply vote our pocketbooks. I hope my new book, along with the first, will help people reflect on their God-given responsibilities to manifest their love for God and their neighbor politically.

That new book is, of course, Citizenship Without Illusions.