St. George's-By-The-River
Today marks the beginning of Lent in the western church. Given the penitential character of the season, most lectionaries appoint Psalm 51 to be sung today. Here is my own versification of the psalm, set to be sung to the Genevan tune.
O gracious God, be merciful to me,
according to your love that lasts for ever.
In your compassion you have failed me never;
now blot out every foul iniquity.
For well aware am I of my great shame;
these evil deeds upon my heart are weighing.
Thus have I erred and now deserve your blame,
since your commands I have not been obeying.
Your righteous judgement I have surely earned,
nor could I hope to flee your harshest sentence.
Guilty from birth and needful of repentance,
I to my sins have constantly returned.
Yet you desire that I your truth should know;
teach me your wisdom that I may live rightly.
Make me as pure as freshly fallen snow,
cleanse me with hyssop that I may shine brightly.
Fill me with joy and gladness once again,
let all these bones sing forth in jubilation.
Look not upon the deeds of my transgression,
but rather cancel out my debt of sin.
Create in me a heart of purity,
breathe into me a new and constant spirit.
Do not deprive me of your company,
nor in your wrath withdraw your holy Spirit.
Restore to me salvation's joyfulness,
uphold in me a heart willing to serve you.
So shall I teach transgressors to revere you,
that they might once more know your faithfulness.
Save me from death, O God--this is my plea--
and in your goodness I shall be rejoicing.
Open my lips, O Lord, that thankfully
your godly praise my mouth may soon be voicing.
You do not ask for pointless sacrifice;
nor would you that I offer such a token.
My gift is this: a spirit that is broken.
The contrite heart, O God, you'll not despise.
Prosper your people with your bounteous grace,
rebuild the walls around your holy city,
that we may offer you before your face
right sacrifice, as is our proper duty.
Text and arrangement copyright © 2001 by David T. Koyzis
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