08 March 2022

A Prayer for Russia and Ukraine

Almighty God and Father, you have created us in your image to live in peace with our fellow human beings. But we confess that we have so often failed to live in obedience to your will, to the detriment of our neighbours, both near and far. And now the world is seeing a brutal war of aggression launched by one state against another, with attacks made on civilians who are suffering greatly as a result. Thousands of refugees are fleeing their cities and pouring over the borders of neighbouring countries. We feel helpless to relieve their plight, but we are angry and thirst for justice.

We acknowledge, O Lord, that the people of Russia and Ukraine do not want this war, which has been foisted on them by a corrupt and tyrannical leader in Moscow. Many of your servants are making their voices heard at great risk to their lives and livelihoods. We pray, Lord, that you would encircle them with your protection: that you would cover them with your pinions, that under your wings they would find refuge.

We pray, O God, that you would stay the hand of Vladimir Putin, that you would change his heart and the hearts of those in his régime that they might humbly recognize that you have called them to do justice in discharging the weighty responsibilities of their offices. But, Lord, if they remain stubbornly committed to their evil ways, if they persist in inflicting cruelties on innocent people, we ask that you would pour your wrath down on them, remove them from their positions, and restore peace. For Putin we ask that you would foil his vicious plots and that he might fall into the pit he has set for others.

Lord, you make wars cease to the end of the earth, you break the bow and shatter the spear, you burn chariots with fire. Deprive the aggressors of their weapons; make them be still and know that you are God.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be all glory now and for ever. Amen.

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