As we head into the coldest months of the year in the northern hemisphere, I hope that everyone had a joyful celebration of our Lord's incarnation despite the restrictions made necessary by the spread of the omicron variant. Our family spent a quiet time at home, but we did talk to family members via Zoom and FaceTime. We continue to pray, of course, for an end to the current pandemic, which has now lasted for nearly two years, something we could scarcely have imagined beforehand.

In the meantime, my work continues. Last month I received a copy of the journal, Християнська думка (Christian Opinion), whose current issue (no. 3(12), 2020) is devoted to "Church and Civil Society" and carries an article of mine, "Recovering Civil Society: Two Traditions." This journal is published by the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary in the capital city of Kiev. You can read about it here, along with a brief excerpt: Ukraine: Church and civil society.

Local periodical Christian Courier published my monthly column, The coming kingdom, in its December issue. I have published a regular column in CC since 1990. Shortly thereafter, I received a note from the assistant editor that one of my articles, Gnosticism and the human body, was the seventh most-viewed article on their website in 2021, despite it being published in 2018.

Earlier this month I was interviewed by Aeric Estep and Scott Reavely for the City on a Hill Podcast. In recent weeks they have recorded a series based on my book, Political Visions and Illusions, to be concluded shortly by their interview with the author. When it is posted, I will put a link on my blog and include it in my February newsletter.

Last week, The Laymen's Lounge published my tribute to Al Wolters' book, Creation Regained, still by far the best of the Christian worldview books out there: You Should Know 'Creation Regained'. I was privileged to learn the material in this book from the author himself several years before it was published.

Currently I am working against several deadlines with respect to publications and remote lectures. I will report on these in future newsletters.

My work with the Genevan Psalter took an unexpected turn last month. I have found someone who is willing to match my texts with the mid-twentieth-century arrangements of two Dutch organists and put them into an attractive publishable format. I have contacted the owner of the copyright to these arrangements. Once I know the owner's terms, I will turn my attention to finding a publisher. This project was made possible by a grant from the Stanford Reid Trust. In the meantime, do read my review of Robert Alter's translation and commentary on the Psalms.

Thank you once again to those who have generously contributed to my work with Global Scholars. GSC's page for giving can be found here. Once you are in the page, scroll down to the heading marked DONATION DETAILS, and then choose one of the options under FUND. Americans may donate through our sister organization in the US. If you cannot afford to give, please do continue to pray for my work.

I expect to have news soon about last year's donation challenge to share with all of you. A special thanks to all new donors whose contributions were matched by the anonymous donor.

Yours in the service of God's kingdom,

David Koyzis, Global Scholar 

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