The manuscript for Citizenship Without Illusions is now with the publisher, and my work with it is now at an end. I went through the proofs last month and made a very few changes to the text. I also compiled the name and subject index, and that too is finally complete. So now it's a waiting game. The launch date is scheduled for 26 November, but my editor tells me that, if you pre-order it, you may have your copy in advance of that date. The book has already received a few endorsements. Here is one:

"In an age of heightened political division and widespread insistence on individual rights, often to the detriment of a vision for the public good, this primer on the task of being faithful Christian citizens is a breath of fresh (principled!) air. While reflecting the erudition of a senior political science scholar, Koyzis's book is eminently readable, theologically grounded, and insightfully practical for anyone wanting better to live in the tension between the heavenly kingdom of God for which we pray and the broken earthly political and social contexts in which we all live."

— David Guretzki, president, CEO, and resident theologian, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada

I am, of course, grateful for these kind words and pray that the book will be a blessing to many readers. Christian Courier has run an article in which I explain how I came to write the book: Local Action.

On 25 May, I was privileged to speak remotely to a small group of seminary students at Reformed Evangelical Seminary on "Politics and the Pulpit," based largely on the "Concluding Ecclesiological Postscript" in Political Visions and Illusions. This was at the invitation of its president, Roy Atwood.

Earlier this month I was interviewed by James Spencer for the Thinking Christian Podcast about my forthcoming book. This will be posted next month, and I will link to it then. Spencer will also be interviewing me later this month about my work with the Psalms.

Two of my Brazilian contacts, José (Zé) Bruno Pereira dos Santos and Rodolfo Souza, interviewed me for the Entre Amigos (Between Friends) podcast in Brazil. The subject is my forthcoming book, which I hope will be translated into Portuguese and published in that country. You can listen to the interview here.

Finally, Jason Scott Montoya interviewed me about my blog post, Trump's verdict and the American political crisis. The interview can be found here: Seven essential qualities of a political leader.

As always, I am grateful for your support for my work. Please consider a regular monthly contribution, as it makes it easier for Global Scholars to set an annual budget, including the modest salary I receive from the organization. GSC's page for giving can be found here. Once you are in the page, scroll down to the heading marked DONATION DETAILS, and then choose one of the options under FUND. Americans may donate through our sister organization in the US.

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Yours in God's service,

David Koyzis, Global Scholar


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