We are now in the final quarter of the calendar year, when many of us make donations to various causes and charities. Please consider making a financial contribution to my work with Global Scholars Canada. Your contributions help to support the following:

  1. I draw a small monthly salary from these funds to supplement my private and public pension income, and together they cover a portion of the time and energy put into the various responsibilities I have taken on.
  2. The funds cover equipment, supplies, books, and other incidental expenses incurred in my work. The computer on which I work and the connected printer are two of the major pieces of equipment provided by your generous contributions.
  3. With the end of pandemic restrictions, I have resumed some work-related travel, most recently to western Michigan and western Pennsylvania this past spring. Your contributions will help to support this travel, especially where resources in the host country are insufficient to cover the costs.

GSC's page for giving can be found here. Once you are in the page, scroll down to the heading marked DONATION DETAILS, and then choose one of the options under FUND. Americans may donate through our sister organization in the US.

Or, if you prefer, Canadian donors can donate publicly traded securities (shares or mutual funds) directly to charities without having to pay the capital gains tax. This is a cost-effective and painless way to make a donation that comes with a substantial tax incentive. By donating securities, donors pay no tax on capital gains, receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities, as well as reduce their taxes. Watch this video for more information about this option: Link Charity Canada: Donation of Securities. If interested, please visit the Link Charity Canada Inc. website, and call for details at 1-800-387-8146. Link Charity Canada is a partner organization of Global Scholars Canada, so Link Charity can easily direct funds for my work.

If you cannot afford to give, please do continue to pray for my work. God does work through our prayers for each other.

In anticipation of next month's launch date for Citizenship Without Illusions, InterVarsity Press has sent me my ten free copies of the book. Many of those who pre-ordered the book, especially residents of the United States, now have it in hand. Here is one more endorsement:

"David Koyzis provides one of the most useful, nonideological frameworks for Christians seeking to navigate their participation in political society I've ever read. Citizenship Without Illusions is the best protection against Christians succumbing to the temptations of pledging allegiance to ideological visions while simultaneously equipping them to make enduring contributions to the common good. Koyzis provides a new standard, guiding Christians to transcend political polarization so they can truly seek the peace and prosperity of their communities and the world."

— Anthony Bradley, author of The Political Economy of Liberation

To mark the publication of the book, the Center for Public Justice has posted an interview with me conducted by Emily Crouch: How Do We Honor Christ in Our Citizenship? A Conversation with David Koyzis.

Shortly before I posted this newsletter, I was interviewed by Pastor Josh Burtram and Will Wright for their Faithful Politics podcast. I will link to the interview once it is posted. Stay tuned.

Last month I indicated that Faith Today had published my article, What Is Christian Nationalism? in the September/October issue. At the time, I thought it was available only with a print subscription, but in fact it can be accessed online by clicking on the title in the previous sentence.

I am not accustomed to signing manifestos and declarations too frequently, but I have indeed signed this one: Our Confession of Evangelical Conviction. It is modelled on the 1934 Barmen Declaration and addresses the current divisions in North American evangelicalism associated with the rise of Christian nationalism.

Finally, I have written to address the current housing crisis we are experiencing in Canada: Housing Canadians. There are precedents for resolving a similar crisis from eight decades ago.

Thanks once again to those of you who have been faithful in supporting my work both financially and in your prayers.

Yours in Christ's service,

David Koyzis, Global Scholar


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