Although I am ostensibly retired, I find that I am busier than I ever imagined I could be in my so-called golden years. I have taken on quite a number of responsibilities involving writing, teaching, speaking, and mentoring, and these are occupying my waking moments. April in particular promises to be especially busy, as I travel in two different directions for three events. I may be a little late getting out my April newsletter.

The big news this month is that IVP has released the cover art for my forthcoming book, Citizenship Without Illusions, due out in November. By now I have received the copy-edited manuscript and have responded to everything flagged by the copy editor. I have one more survey to fill out for the marketing department. The book is now being typeset, and I expect to receive the proofs at some point in the not distant future. Because I've done this before, the publication process is by now familiar to me. Although IVP does the bulk of the work from here on in, there is still plenty for the author to attend to.

I am preparing for my travels to Calvin University and Grove City College next month, as indicated in my February newsletter. I have completed the lectures and ancillary material for Cidade Viva in Brazil. I have another remote event coming up in July with Anajure (National Association of Evangelical Jurists), another group in that country with which I have past experience.

Last week I was offered a significant opportunity about which I expect to have more to say in the near future. Let's just say at present that it could allow my work to have some influence at higher levels than in the past.

In addition to my work relevant to political life, I recently published two back-to-back columns on prayer: Daily Prayer, and The Midnight Office. The latter has relevance for the episodes of sleeplessness which we all experience from time to time.

Recently I took off my shelf a 110-year-old book on the Heidelberg Catechism which I purchased when I was a graduate student. It was written by a professor in a long-defunct seminary of the former German Reformed Church in the United States. It prompted me to reflect on a confessional document with a distinctive irenic tone: The Heidelberg Catechism in the RCUS.

Thank you once again for your support for my work. Please consider a regular monthly contribution, as it makes it easier for Global Scholars to set an annual budget, including the modest salary I receive from the organization. GSC's page for giving can be found here. Once you are in the page, scroll down to the heading marked DONATION DETAILS, and then choose one of the options under FUND. Americans may donate through our sister organization in the US.

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Yours in God's service,

David Koyzis, Global Scholar

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