14 March 2022

A Declaration on the “Russian World” (Russkii mir) Teaching

In the second edition of Political Visions and Illusions, I appended a "Concluding Ecclesiological Postscript," addressing the role that the institutional church--as distinct from the larger body of Christ--should play with respect to politics. There I held up as a salutary example the 1934 Barmen Declaration, drafted initially by theologian Karl Barth and adopted by the dissident Confessing Church. It affirmed the church's confession of faith in Jesus Christ against the Deutsche Christen allied with the ruling National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazis.

Yesterday, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, a group of Orthodox clergy and laity published A Declaration on the “Russian World” (Русский мир) Teaching, which is obviously modelled on Barmen. This is a powerful statement which all Christians of every tradition should read and ponder. An excerpt:

2. “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21)

We affirm that in anticipation of the final triumph of the Kingdom of God we acknowledge the sole and ultimate authority of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this age, earthly rulers provide peace, so that God’s people might live “calm and ordered lives, in all godliness and sanctity” (Divine Liturgy). Yet, there is no nation, state or order of human life that can make a higher claim on us than Jesus Christ, at whose name “every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10).

We therefore condemn as non-Orthodox and reject any teaching which would subordinate the Kingdom of God, manifested in the One Holy Church of God, to any kingdom of this world seeking other churchly or secular lords who can justify and redeem us. We firmly reject all forms of government that deify the state (theocracy) and absorb the Church, depriving the Church of its freedom to stand prophetically against all injustice. We also rebuke all those who affirm caesaropapism, replacing their ultimate obedience to the crucified and resurrected Lord with that of any leader vested with ruling powers and claiming to be God’s anointed, whether known by the title of “Caesar,” “Emperor,” “Tsar,” or “President.”

Excellent! Do read the entire statement. Let us hope and pray that this important document will succeed in rallying Orthodox Christians to the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ and move them away from the idols of nation and ethnicity. Κύριε ελέησον! Господи помилуй!


Unknown said...

Thanks David! So difficult to stand up against your own family and friends when they are worshiping power instead of the Prince of Peace.

David Koyzis said...

Indeed. I'm sure there are many families that are divided by the current war. Lord have mercy!


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